LibreDigital – the company that can be considered the leaders in the market for providing solutions for digital reading materials such as e-books, newspapers, and magazines has now announced the launch of their new self service distribution portal. This was formally announced during the BookExpo America conference, which the company claims would cater to small and medium sized publishers as they now have the chance to submit their e-books for distribution on the Apple iBookstore and other market places.
Speaking on the occasion, the President and CEO of LibreDigital, Mr. Russell P. Reeder said: “Book publishing is experiencing strong growth in small to medium sized publishers similar to the growth of independent labels in the music industry. We are excited to offer these emerging new publishers the same tools we provide larger publishers for converting, optimizing, and distributing their content to the largest e-book marketplaces in the world like the Apple iBookstore.”
LibreDigital, in its present field of services, provides the requirements of seven US trade publishers and these seven belong to the top ten of the trade there. Their services include distribution to e-book marketplaces, marketing and discovery tools, managed conversion services, and sales reporting and analytics through LibreDigital Business Intelligence. Small and medium publishers can now make use of the portal that LibreDigital has created. After signing in, the publishers would be able to distribute their books and do conversion work of their products, as well as reach distributors of over 50 countries worldwide. The distribution service on the portal is charged by a revenue share method, while conversion costs would be linked to the distributor’s credit card.
Apple iBookstore uses the services of LibreDigital as one of its approved four aggregators for the North America region. LibreDigital also happens to be the only company that has been authorized by Apple to provide all of the services that the latter tracks in its aggregator program. Apple has also received a number of titles from LibreDigital in enhanced e-book and fixed format e-books, which have been responsible for turning their iPad into an interesting e-book reading device as well.
As a company, LibreDigital in engaged in developing technology that has opened up the book segment, so that it is now possible for one to read books (or for that matter even newspapers and magazines) just about anywhere and anytime. LibreDigital had announced in the beginning of the year they have secured close to $4 million in additional funding which they intend to invest in further enhancing the company’s core areas of expertise.
The site can be reached here.
via pymnts
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.