Consumption of eBooks continues to be on the rise in South Korea. While there have been several indications of that in the past, another metric that points to the above is the mobile e-book rental service ‘Shinbaekseojae’ that recently made it past the 100,000 userbase mark. The above was announced by the Shinsegae Department Store that further added that the above feat was achieved in a span of just 5 months.

The Shinsegae Department Store also said that the eBook rental service comes for free and is available to anyone who has access to the store app. Each member will be able to borrow an eBook for two weeks though there is no limit to the number of eBooks that they can borrow. At the moment, there are about 30,000 eBooks that are available though the collection also includes audiobooks as well.

With 100,000 members on board, it is 35,400 eBooks that have been borrowed so far since the service first started operations back in April. That way, it comes down to 630 members having borrowed 220 eBooks every day, which makes for quite an impressive figure in itself, inthenews reported.

Meanwhile, there also is the Shinsegae Book Curation Service that is held every month with the sole aim of promoting the culture of reading books. The theme for the month of October happens to be Italy and any members can borrow half a dozen eBooks on the topic. Among the eBook topics that happen to be the most popular include those on mountaineering, liberal arts, as well as books on self-development.

Shinsegae is looking to further enhance it service while also making available more eBooks and other reading material to reach out to a larger section of the society.

Senior Writer at Good e-Reader |

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