This is really great! A Kickstarter project called The People’s E-Book needed $20K to fund an ebook creation platform for artists, authors, and alternative presses who want to try new things, publish new books, and push into new territories. The People’s E-Book will handle ebooks of all sizes and scope, but it will excel in areas that no one else has cared to consider—the very small, the quick and dirty, the simple, and the experimental. The People’s E-book is a super-simple online tool with an intuitive visual interface to allow anyone to make ebooks quickly and for free. This is barebones ebook publishing. What the photocopier was to zines, we hope The People’s E-book will be to digital books.
The funding was needed to hire a team to develop the software and cover hosting and development costs. Well, funding has been reached:
UPDATE: The People’s E-Book will be built! Now, help us build it even better. Your continued pledging and sharing will make possible more and more of the features you want. As a thank you, for every $10K we raise above our original goal, we’re commissioning a favorite artist to create a People’s E-Book especially for our backers. Every backer, from the first to the last. E-books for everyone!
The fact that such a project could get funded is a clear message that ebooks are considered important by a large volume of the public.