
The youth of today are spending more on eBooks than ever before, but are resistant to the idea of a dedicated e-Reader. Instead, they are gravitating towards smartphones and tablets for their digital reading.

A new report from Voxburner surveyed 1,544  young adults, ranging from 16-24 in the United Kingdom. Apparently only 5% of young people expect to buy an e-Reader in the next 12 months. This is compared to the 24% of respondents who expect to buy a tablet and  40% who are expecting to upgrade their smartphone.

However a more positive revelation for ebook publishers is that 26% of young folk expect their spending on eBooks to increase this year. This rises to 29% among female respondents, although significantly falls to 18% among young males. Not very surprising that young girls are leading the charge with digital reading adoption.

Many publishing companies, such as Hachette are now seeing 30% of their entire revenue stream derive from eBooks. There is no denying they are popular with adults, but youth are still resistant to it. 62% of the respondents have said that they still prefer to hold books as a physical product rather than in digital format, whilst one fifth of 16-24s feel that they don’t want to be restricted to a particular device, such as the Kindle, which prevents books from being shared with friends easily.

Luke Mitchell, Head of Insight at Voxburner shared some insights on why young adults are not embracing digital reading. One compelling point was “They don’t have an e-reader. Almost half of 16-24s do not own a device they would consider reading ebooks on. A quarter say they would read an ebook on their smartphone if they really wanted to.” He went on to finalize “They simply resent being enslaved to technology. Contrary to belief, new Voxburner research into youth attitudes to technology reveals that digital natives do not want to spend any more time looking at screens that they already do.

Editor-in-chief | michael@goodereader.com

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.