
Industry veteran LibreDigital has acquired 4 million dollars in outside investments to support key initiatives for  digital reading technologies. Currently the company is best known as being one of the leading content aggregator for the Apple iBookstore and is one of the largest providers of book content to Apple.

LibreDigital intends on capitalizing on its new-found wealth to start developing high resolution color magazines and newspapers to leading e-reading platforms. Recently the company has signed deals with Barnes and Noble to provide new content for the Nook Color.

Currently one of Libredigitals technological cornerstones is HTML5 Content and Reader Applications. Clients such as Starbucks are provided a secure HTML5 Reader application for major publishers who offer free content for the Starbucks Digital Network via the Bookish Reading Club. The new funding will also go towards expanding on these existing relationships and facilitating new ones.

Libredigital is a ten year old company and has a diverse portfolio of strategic partnerships and relationships with some of the largest companies and publishers.  Some key relationships include; e-book distribution for 7 of the 10 largest US trade publishers, provider of electronic replica editions for The New York Times, e-book fulfillment for partners like Baker & Taylor/Blio and Harlequin, and book, magazine, and newspaper distribution to more than 50 digital retail marketplaces including Amazon, Google, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Sony.

Although in this day and age four million dollars might not sound like a lot of money but if you already have a profitable company the extra instant revenue more or less helps fast-track some of the projects you have on the go to take advantage of all of the different platforms and content outlets for e-readers and tablet computers.

via ABJ

Editor-in-chief |

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.