Barnes and Noble just released the 1.4.1 update for the Nook Color today and promises more single updates packed into this version then any other to date. There are over 100 features and enhancements found and one of the biggest is that it brings Nook Comics into the fray!
If you are a comic book geek you will love the new feature ‘Nook Comics’ found in the latest firmware. It gives you access to a huge library by various publishing companies such as Marvel Comics. This is actually a big deal because B&N has the largest selection out of any 3rd party. You can download including Halo
Uprising and other Marvel greats like Ultimate Spider-Man, The Astonishing X-Men, and Hulk: Planet Hulk, among others. NOOK Color customers can also enjoy titles from other leading publishers, including Archie – with series starring the redheaded star, plus pals
Jughead and Betty & Veronica– IDW and Dynamite.
Another great feature found in this update is that you can now read books both in landscape and portrait mode. Before this update you could only read them in portrait and this really helps people who wished they could read in different orientations.
Finally the Nook Store has undergone a tremendous revision! They are busting out new features such as; Nook Daily Find, Nook First, Nook Spotlight, Nook Snaps and New Release Tuesday.
You can sideload the update here immediately at no cost: The free over the air (OTA) delivery to customers connected to Wi-Fi begins this week.
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Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.