We broke the news yesterday that a Sony job posting on LinkedIn revealed that Sony had plans in the works for a new Android Tablet PC. We now have reports that Sony is following up and releasing two new touch screen e-readers. The new e-readers are extensions of existing product lines, such as the Sony PRS 600 and 300.
Due to more competition in the e-reader market, Sony will keep costs low for their two new Sony Reader devices. They will have faster page turns, will be lighter and more robust then their previous iterations.
The Sony PRS-650 will have a six inch screen while the PRS-350 will have a five inch screen. We also will see an increase with on-board memory from 512MB to 2GB of internal storage. We also have heard reports that the Sony PRS-650 will have WI-FI and 3G. Sadly there is no WI-FI or 3G for the new Sony PRS 350, but likely it will be under $100.00.
Not only is Sony upgrading the screns, and some of the internal memory, but they are also upgrading the GUI included with the device. You will have a new Home screen, with larger icons. It will also be bundled with Note Taking software.
As far as ebook formats are concerned, these new e-readers will be able to read PDF, ePub, LRF, Doc and RTF files.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.