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Would you buy an E INK Games Console?

Ink Console 03

E INK e-paper finds its way into many different products. The most popular are e-book readers, such as the Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, and Rakuten Kobo. To a lesser extent, many people see price tags with E INK at local grocery stores. I did not think we would ever see a handheld gaming console with an e-paper, but here we are. The Ink Console is a new project going live on Crowd Supply on March 1st.

Ink Console is an innovative hybrid of an e-reader and a game console designed to redefine how you experience storytelling. This unique platform lets you play as you read, turning traditional reading into an interactive adventure inspired by classic computer games and choose-your-own-adventure books. With Ink Console, reading becomes dynamic: at key moments in the story, you’ll be prompted to make choices, shaping your journey based on the decisions you make along the way. And by opening our platform to others with an easy-to-use development kit, anyone can write and program their adventures.

The company will sell the physical console and "game books." These stories cover everything from thrilling expeditions and deep-sea adventures to immersive sci-fi narratives and fantasy epics in fantastical realms. The built-in SD card reader can add new gamebooks to the system. The company also hopes to attract third-party game developers to create their own stories.

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