Kobo is running a Mother’s Day promotion for many of their latest-generation and a few of their older e-readers in Canada and the United States. Now is the perfect time to purchase the Kobo Clara 2e, Kobo Sage, Kobo Libra H20 and the Kobo Elipsa 1st generation. These sales occur on the Kobo website and other retail partners, such as Chapters Indigo, Walmart and Amazon.
In the United States, Kobo is offering the Kobo Clara 2e for $119; the regular price is $139.99. This device has a 300 PPI e-paper display and is environmentally friendly. You can also purchase this on Amazon. The best deal is for the 8-inch Kobo Sage, a digital-note-taking device and ebook reader with a Carta 1200 e-paper display and 300 PPI. This model is available on the Kobo website for $239; the everyday price is $269.99; Amazon is also price-matching it. The previous generation Kobo Elipsa is on sale for $349.99; it usually is available for $399.99.
Meanwhile, in Canada, the same models are on sale. The Clara 2e regular price is $159.99, and it is on sale for $139.99. Chapters Indigo matches the price, and ditto with Amazon. The Kobe Sage is more expensive in Canada vs the United States. The everyday price is $299.99, but it is on sale for $269.99. Chapters Indigo and Amazon are also matching the savings. The previous generation Kobo Libra H2O with manual page turn buttons is on sale, it is similar to the Kobo Libra 2, and I recommend not buying the older model and going with the latest generation instead. However, if you are dead bent on buying it, Kobo offers it on their website for $169.99; the regular price is $199.99.
Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.