Two sequel anime to last year’s The Fruit of Grisaia anime have been announced: a short film titled The Labyrinth of Grisaia and the series continuation The Eden of Grisaia.
The Fruit of Grisaia began as a Japanese visual novel in 2011. After quickly gaining popularity, the game was developed into a manga and later, an anime. The game also inspired two sequel games, titled The Labyrinth of Grisaia and The Eden of Grisaia. The story of the game follows the romantic escapades of Yūji Kazami, a young man who transfers to a school with only five female students. As with all visual novel games, the plot branches off into multiple possible endings depending on which of the five girls’ paths the player chooses.
The 13-episode anime adaption premiered in October 2014. After it was received well by audiences, the studio 8-Bit went ahead with plans to adapt the other two games as anime. The second, The Labyrinth of Grisaia, will premiere on April 13 and act as a 60-minute special rather than a series. The plot is a collection, containing a prequel for the main hero, sequels for the five female characters, and other short stories. The third game, The Eden of Grisaia, will be a series like the first adaption. The Eden of Grisaia continues where The Fruit of Grisaia left off, and is premiering April 20.
Sentai Filmworks licensed the anime for North America, but the series can also be watched on Crunchyroll. The website streamed the first series as it aired in Japan, and will most likely do the same for the next two. The series will also stream on video sharing site Niconico.
The Fruit of Grisaia’s game was licensed for release in the West by Sekai Project. In order to bring the two sequel games, the company started up a Kickstarter campaign. Response to the game was so positive, the campaign reached its goal in less than a day.