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Onyx Boox has just pushed out the 2.3 firmware update for their newer devices that run Android 9.0 a couple of weeks ago. This same update is now available for most of their older devices that are running Android 6.0. This includes Onyx Boox MAX 2, Max 2 Pro,  Nova Pro, Nova Plus, Note Plus, Note S and the Poke Pro.

The firmware update should be available to install by visiting the settings menu and clicking on firmware updates. If you simply can’t wait for it to be automatically available, you can manually download it HERE.

Here is the entire changelog of all of the new bug fixes and enhancements.


1. Add Reading Statistics.

2. Add Scroll Reading mode to PDF books.

3. Add a Floating Toolbar that can be expandable and contractible to the screen edge.

4. Add a new highlight option that can completely cover up the original text.

5. Add a new function that handwritten notes of PDF books can be editable even when transferred to another BOOX device.

6. Add “Jump to page number“ to the Table of Content.

7. Fix an issue in highlight where the same text may be highlighted repeatedly.

8. Fix an issue in dictionaries where the dictionaries’ customized order is not correct when pop-up dictionaries are activated.

9. Add more target languages to Instant Translation.

10. Optimize PDF background color filtering.

11. Optimize embedded data of PDF and make it compatible with more third parties apps ( WPS, PDF software on Linux).

12. Improve the accuracy of word selection for English words with a hyphen in between.

13. Optimize the size of the original subscript of all documents.

Note Taking

14. Add Sync to Cloud through Onyx account ( PDF templates sync is not supported currently).

15. Add new tab “Recent Notes”.

16. Losso tool supports selecting the full page of the current screen.

17. Strokes and inserted text can change color after being selected.

18. The designated shapes are searchable from the handwritten notes.

19. Fix an issue where the screen becomes frozen when the eraser is in use.

20. Fix an issue where there is always a reminder when the zooming feature is off.

21. Fix an issue where the inserted images disappear when the original image is deleted,

22. Fix an issue where password protected Notepads still could be deleted.

System Fixes

23. Add System Fonts Size setting and 4 sizes are available.

24. Feedback supports Instant Message, sending attachments, checking feedback history and replying IM from the device directly.

25. Add Display Style Setting ( Fan-shaped, Vertical and Horizontal Styles) and more custom options to Navigation Ball.

26. Books can be protected by Password ( bookshelf can not be encrypted at the moment).

27. Address an issue in sorting when the document’s names include numbers.

28. Fix an issue where some devices may not be able to open the Chinese bookshop.

29. Fix an issue where Bluetooth earphone volume becomes reset after the device has restarted.

30. Resolve an issue in the Notification Push ( download and delete on click).

31. Fix an issue in the hollow text of the app.

32. Fix other bugs and optimize the UI.

Editor-in-chief | michael@goodereader.com

Michael Kozlowski is the editor-in-chief at Good e-Reader and has written about audiobooks and e-readers for the past fifteen years. Newspapers and websites such as the CBC, CNET, Engadget, Huffington Post and the New York Times have picked up his articles. He Lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.