Facebook is becoming an integral part of our lives, so much so that when we see or achieve anything of merit (no matter how that is perceived or determined), we immediately reach for the ‘Like button’. Earlier this year, iOS developers were given the ability to add Facebook like buttons directly into their apps –and now Android developers have been extended the same functionality (or courtesy, when you consider both platforms should be seen as equally important to the social media giant).
The way it works is simple: when the famous button is integrated into a mobile app, clicking it will allow the logged in user to Like any piece of content.
Facebook’s recommendation is that developers add Like buttons in places that advertise achievements or levels of engagement, but how they are used is really entirely up to the individual.
You may want to exercise a little caution if you are the logged in user but you let your kids play on your mobile devices… you never know what you might end up liking!