We’ve all heard a thing or two about NFC (near-field communication) –but Adafruit has come up with one of the most clever and convenient uses for the technology: unlocking your device just by picking it up! When you think about how many times a day you swipe or tap in your password, the appeal is impossible to ignore.
The way it works is simple: keep an NFC tag close by (the tutorial recommends embedding it into a ring or secured to a fingernail under your nail polish) and your device will be able to sense that you are trusted and you are near. Previously reserved for security-conscious features like processing mobile payments, NFC could also be used for convenience features.
Before you get too excited, the bad news is that making this happen today isn’t for the average person. It requires you to jailbreak your NFC-supported device (so the technology required is enabled when the phone is powered-on and not just after it is unlocked) and you need to get your hands on an NFC tag –but the point is to consider the potential… perhaps it is the means for your other wearables (like a smart-watch) to communicate with your phone or perhaps it means your morning alarms will all be set the moment you set your phone down on the nightstand.