Sony today announced the launch of its Tablet S and Tablet P in India though both of it will be reaching markets only towards the middle of January 2012. Also, Tablet S has already been available in the country for some time though only in its Wi-Fi avatar. Sony now has ensured the 3G version of the same is available too. However, there isn't any Wi-Fi only version of Tablet P … [Read more...] about Sony launches 3G versions of Tablet S and Tablet P in India
3G version
The Pandigital Multimedia Novel now with 3G
Pandigital has upped the ante with the 9 inch tablet and e-reader device that it had launched a while ago. And this time, the company has on offer an enhanced version of the device which now boasts of an in built 3G connectivity. The Pandigital Multimedia Novel comes with a 9 inch touch screen and runs Android 2.0. The company has entered into a partnership with the Barnes … [Read more...] about The Pandigital Multimedia Novel now with 3G