Sony today announced the launch of its Tablet S and Tablet P in India though both of it will be reaching markets only towards the middle of January 2012. Also, Tablet S has already been available in the country for some time though only in its Wi-Fi avatar. Sony now has ensured the 3G version of the same is available too. However, there isn’t any Wi-Fi only version of Tablet P for the taking and will be on offer only in its 3G state.
However, while all of this is good news, the price might be a real damper. More so for those who believe the INR 29,990 for the Wi-Fi version of the Tablet S is already on the higher side. The 3G Tablet S surpasses that by 4K more so that its INR 33,990 that one has to shell out for the 9.4 inch sized tablet. The Tablet P with its unique twin clamshell form factor is the costliest with a INR 36,990 price tag.
Sony though believes its unique form factor and content offerings will ensure its tablets stand out from the rest of the tablet crowd in India and will be spending ten crores to promote these devices.
“Sony Tablet exemplifies our strategy of combining hardware, software and network services. It offers customer a device which meets their demand for seamless, on the go access to the internet, digital entertainment content, and social networking,” said the Masaru Tamagawa, Managing Director, Sony India.
Both the tablets will come pre-loaded with several apps such as BigFlix, Bollywood Hungama, Videochaska, Meragaana and Star Player. Further, the tablets already are PlayStation certified, which means these can be used to download PlayStation certified games.
via androidos
With a keen interest in tech, I make it a point to keep myself updated on the latest developments in technology and gadgets. That includes smartphones or tablet devices but stretches to even AI and self-driven automobiles, the latter being my latest fad. Besides writing, I like watching videos, reading, listening to music, or experimenting with different recipes. The motion picture is another aspect that interests me a lot, and I'll likely make a film sometime in the future.