Mudita has announced the launch of the successors of the Bell and Harmony E Ink alarm clocks. Named the Bell 2 and the Harmony 2, the latest generation clocks from Mudita continues with the same basic design and looks. The Bell 2 features the same analog design as its predecessor. Similarly, the Harmony 2 also has a similar E Ink display as the first gen Harmony and serves as a … [Read more...] about Mudita Bell 2 and Harmony 2 E Ink clocks now on Kickstarter
alarm clock
Wakie App Turns Strangers Into Alarm Clocks
It was only a matter of time before social media found another use beyond sharing cute pictures of kittens and the grandkids along-side 140-character pearls of wisdom: cue Wakie. We all accept that alarm clocks are a necessary evil, with most of us using our smartphones to interrupt our peaceful slumber. What if I told you that a perfect stranger could take care of this for you … [Read more...] about Wakie App Turns Strangers Into Alarm Clocks