A new tablet from Samsung with a HD AMOLED display almost stands confirmed now, with a formal launch likely to happen later in the year (maybe IFA in September). However, official images of the device or information on its specs have been elusive so far, though the efforts of SamMobile has helped illuminate the picture. SamMobile has built a good reputation with reporting … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Plus Revealed
amoled display
ITRI introduces new flexible color AMOLED display
E-Reader displays won't be the same again if what ITRI has come up with can be considered an indication of the things to come in the field of display technology. In fact, the Taiwan based company is already claiming their new 6-inch flexible display will be seen lending grace to e-reader soon enough. ITRI is also claiming the AMOLED display will feature an 'unbreakable' … [Read more...] about ITRI introduces new flexible color AMOLED display