Apple has won the tablet battle in Germany against rival Samsung, which means the Korean conglomerate can't sell its Galaxy Tab 10.1 in that country. A higher regional court in Duesseldorf, Germany has upheld the temporary ban that was imposed on the Samsung tablet in an earlier judgement. However, the victory can be considered as largely symbolic as Samsung had already … [Read more...] about Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 Stands Banned in Germany
Russia Might Ban the iPad over Security Reasons, May Adopt the PlayBook
The Russians' quest for cryptographically secure tablet PCs' may come in as a much needed shot in the arm for the BlackBerry PlayBook that has been reeling under a lackluster demand so far. Also, guess which tablet PC is at the receiving end of the latest development in Russia -- its the Apple iPad whose sales figures the world over is counted in many many millions while others … [Read more...] about Russia Might Ban the iPad over Security Reasons, May Adopt the PlayBook