It is turning out to be a season of discounts, promos, and offers, starting with HP with its $99 TouchPads. Here is the latest and it's coming from another company that is having a hard time finding enough buyers for its tablet—the PlayBook from RIM. It goes like this, if one were to buy a BlackBerry Bold9900 or Torch 9810 along with a BlackBerry Playbook tablet, the buyers … [Read more...] about BlackBerry Bold / Torch + PlayBook = $100 off from Rogers
BlackBerry 7
PlayBook 10-inch Tablet in the works
With the smaller 7 inch PlayBook tablet slowly settling down, more so with twin OS updates that RIM came out with in quick succession, the focus now is probably on a bigger 10 inch PlayBook that is rumored to be under development. So while there are reports of RIM having ramped up its production on the back of an increase in demand, there also come news, though from various … [Read more...] about PlayBook 10-inch Tablet in the works