eBook Review: Albert of Adelaide by Howard Anderson Verdict: 4 Stars In the spirit of other great talking animal books… Mercy Pilkington13 August 2012
eBook Review: Let’s Pretend This Never Happened Verdict: Laugh-out-loud funny and alarmingly bizarre, it sets about to make you… Mercy Pilkington23 April 2012
IndieReader Helps Connect Authors with Their Readers One of the major components of successfully publishing a book, whether it… Mercy Pilkington27 February 2012
ForeWord, Kirkus Review Platforms Bring Exposure to SelfPub BookExpo One key aspect of the publishing industry that still causes authors to… Mercy Pilkington28 October 2011
eBook Fiction Release Schedule June 2010 June is ushering in the summer reading months with new offerings by… Michael Kozlowski1 June 2010