Since the widespread rise in the popularity of digital publishing, literally dozens of different devices for e-reading flooded a market that cannot seem to get enough of screen-based reading. It wasn’t long before ebook lending libraries appeared, followed closely by libraries that actually loan out the e-reader device to patrons who don’t own compatible hardware that will … [Read more...] about A New Plan to Replace High-Priced College Texts
I Can Read! Enables a New Generation of Readers
The first I Can Read! book was published by Harper Collins in 1957 in a bold initiative to write and publish high-interest books for emerging readers. Since that time, some of the most well-loved and widely recognized characters from children’s literature have been born out of the I Can Read! series, including Little Bear, Amelia Bedelia, the Berenstein Bears, and Frog and … [Read more...] about I Can Read! Enables a New Generation of Readers
Athina Offers Subscription Ebook Reading in the US
One model of e-reading that is gaining worldwide popularity is subscription-based user accounts. These accounts typically allow unlimited access to page views of digital books for a flat fee. Spanish company 24symbols launched its full program on June 30th, and now is bringing a similar model to the U.S. Founded by Georgia Tech graduates Matt Cauble, Rob … [Read more...] about Athina Offers Subscription Ebook Reading in the US
Indie Authors Find the Publishing Industry Too Slow
In an era where consumers have become accustomed to instant downloads and live streaming videos, some writers have found the processes of traditional publishing to be archaically slow. The length of time from finishing a manuscript to finding an agent for representation to finding a publisher to produce the final work can literally take years. Stokes McMillan, author of One … [Read more...] about Indie Authors Find the Publishing Industry Too Slow
Amazon Hits Another Growth Spurt by Acquiring Book Depository
Everyone’s favorite online retail book giant just got a little bit bigger. Amazon has announced a pending deal to purchase British bookseller Book Depository, adding the smaller site’s 6 million titles to its own global market. Book Depository has had a partner selling relationship with going back at least as far as 2007, as the profitable site specializes somewhat … [Read more...] about Amazon Hits Another Growth Spurt by Acquiring Book Depository
South Korea Leading the Way in Widespread Digital Textbooks
South Korea is arguably one of the most digitally advanced countries on the planet in terms of internet access, enjoying broadband speeds as high as seven times faster than that of other countries. In a recent announcement, the government announced its plan to digitize school textbooks throughout the country in all grade levels and subjects by 2015, a plan made possible by its … [Read more...] about South Korea Leading the Way in Widespread Digital Textbooks
Flying Word’s Interactive Classics
As tablet PC sales continue to rise and greater numbers of digital reading consumers clamor for interactive, full-color reading experiences, enhanced ebooks and app books are gaining popularity. More and more sites are developing the capability to launch fully interactive literature for tablet PCs, smart phones, and other app-enabled devices. Flying Word, a digital content … [Read more...] about Flying Word’s Interactive Classics
24symbols Launches Subscription Ebook Reading
At BookExpo and the IDPF Digital Book Conference in May, we reported that 24symbols, a Spanish digital book subscription site, would be changing the way some people read ebooks. Using a Netflix-like subscription platform in which no books were actually downloaded to a computer or device, 24symbols would instead rely on Cloud-based content storage that allowed subscribers to … [Read more...] about 24symbols Launches Subscription Ebook Reading
Romance Readers Devour Digital Publishing
Romance publishing, print or otherwise, is a $1 billion a year industry. Fans are loyal to their favorite authors, but are always eager for new reading material as well. Romance book clubs are still thriving under a model that requires readers to subscribe in order to receive new books because they clamor for more works. And with this year’s Romance Writers of America … [Read more...] about Romance Readers Devour Digital Publishing
Understanding the Restrictions on Ebook Lending
In February 2011, HarperCollins Publishers made a startling announcement that rocked the library world: it would impose a restriction on ebook titles limiting them to twenty-six individual check-outs, after which time the license would expire and the library would have to repurchase the title. Libraries were saddened and angered , to say the least, and the online outcry … [Read more...] about Understanding the Restrictions on Ebook Lending