The Sony Digital Paper is not billed as an e-reader, but you can most certainly read your collection of eBooks. This device can read PDF files and it is quite easy to download them online. If you have your own collection of DRM-Free EPUB, MOBI and DOC files, you can convert them to the PDF format using Calibre. Sony has one of the most lush screens in the industry and their … [Read more...] about You can read eBooks on the Sony Digital Paper DPT-RP1
Advancing Education: the eBook Revolution
Education is always changing, but the one thing that doesn’t seem to change is the way in which children are presented information. That, however, is changing considerably in the digital age, even if the progress is a bit slow. The innovation we are looking at today is that of Nook reading apps and the impact that they can make in schools. There are two types of learning … [Read more...] about Advancing Education: the eBook Revolution