The launch of Intel's new Oak Trail line of processors seems to have been perfectly timed. We are already getting to see tablets based on the Oak Trail chips hitting headlines. The first off the block is the ElitePad S10 from Elitegroup Computer Systems that has recently been spotted at the FCC, meaning a launch in the US might not be too far away. Running Windows 7 … [Read more...] about ECS Oak Trail tablet shows up at the FCC
ECS 7 and 10 inch tablets launched at CeBIT
Elitegroup Computer Systems or just ECS is making a splash at the CeBIT in Germany with quite a few tablet PCs. The tablet from ECS can be classified into two broad categories - 7 and 10 inch displays with both Android and Windows coming in as the operating system of choice. Further, when it is about the core of the tablet PCs, it's both the Intel Atom Oak Trail as well as … [Read more...] about ECS 7 and 10 inch tablets launched at CeBIT