Amazon announced it is bringing the 'Tap to Alexa' feature to Fire tablets, including the new Fire HD 8 and Fire HD 8 Plus tablets launched just a day back. Among the more accessibility features that have been introduced to the Fire tablet family include text-to-speech and compatibility with Bluetooth switch access controllers, The Verge reported. Of these, tap to Alexa can … [Read more...] about Amazon Fire tablets get new accessibility features like ‘Tap to Alexa’ and more
fire tablets
Amazon Fire Tablets are on sale – should you buy one?
Amazon's tablet strategy has been a race to the bottom in recent years. They tend to release sub-par devices that don't have great specs, but are cheap and cheerful. This has worked out for them, they are frequently in 2nd and 3rd place in worldwide tablet sales, so people are obviously buying them in droves. Amazon is having a Mother's Day sale on Fire tablets and you can save … [Read more...] about Amazon Fire Tablets are on sale – should you buy one?
Amazon is having a massive sale on all of their Fire Tablets
Amazon is having a massive sale in the United States for their entire tablet portfolio, which includes the kids editions too. The deals range from $10 to $20 in saving and the kids editions are marked down even further. All Kids Edition tablets are identical to Amazon’s regular tablets expect they come with no lock screen ads, a 2-year replacement guarantee if they break, a … [Read more...] about Amazon is having a massive sale on all of their Fire Tablets
Alexa Video Calling and Messaging Now Available on Tablets
Starting today, customers can use Alexa calling and messaging on Fire, Android, and iOS tablets. With this update, customers can use their tablet to place video and audio calls, or message anyone – for free by asking Alexa. With your Fire HD 10, you’ll be able to place a call to Mom or send a quick voice message to a friend completely hands free by simply asking Alexa. Or, … [Read more...] about Alexa Video Calling and Messaging Now Available on Tablets
Amazon Firefly Available for Most Fire Tablets
Amazon is pushing out a new firmware update that adds Firefly functionality to the modern line of Fire tablets. This new feature was first unveiled on the Fire smartphone released last year and will be available on 4th generation tablets in the US, UK and Germany in the coming weeks. Firefly technology allows you to identify real-world items by scanning them with the camera … [Read more...] about Amazon Firefly Available for Most Fire Tablets
Dip in Customer Satisfaction Causes Apple To Lose Tablet Market Share
A report released by J.D Power and IDC, indicates that Apple is starting to lose tablet market share again (despite remaining at the top of the list of those device manufacturers). The survey also showed that Apple has slipped into the number two slot for customer satisfaction, right behind Amazon (and their line of inexpensive Fire tablets). Of course, if the survey is … [Read more...] about Dip in Customer Satisfaction Causes Apple To Lose Tablet Market Share