Yes, it is true, Kobo, Remarkable, Boox, or similar devices can be set up with software and an external keyboard to allow distraction-free writing. However, this setup poses a problem with portability as you will always need both peripherals to recreate it. Who wants to carry a keyboard around with them? The all-in-one, E-ink display FreeWrite writing devices offer a more … [Read more...] about Distraction Free Writing with a modern touch with FreeWrite
Freewrite 2nd generation E INK Typewriter Sea Edition Review
The Freewrite E INK digital typewriter originally came out in 2014 and during our hands on review, we found that it was ideal for indie authors or students writing papers. The Freewrite second generation model has only been available for a short time and Good e-Reader has conducted a very comprehensive hands on review of the limited edition Sea color, which is basically baby … [Read more...] about Freewrite 2nd generation E INK Typewriter Sea Edition Review
Freewrite Traveler E Ink Typewriter will be available soon
Astrohaus released the Freewrite Typewriter a few years ago and many people liked the old school aesthetics. It had great physical keys and an E Ink screen that made it easy for authors to work on blog posts, research papers or even a novel. It did not require an always on internet connection to get your work done, but did have a switch to turn on WIFI to sync all … [Read more...] about Freewrite Traveler E Ink Typewriter will be available soon
Freewrite Unboxing Video
The Freewrite is a singular purpose E Ink typewriter that is hoping to be an author's best friend. It has a mechanical keyboard and WIFI that allows you to send over your novellas and e-books to Evernote, Dropbox, Google Drive and a number of other cloud storage systems.If you are travelling or outside of a wireless internet area there is plenty internal storage to house your … [Read more...] about Freewrite Unboxing Video