We have had a brief glimpse of the Magiq before, thanks to an inadvertent leak, and it has now been launched officially by the Bharti Group firm Beetel Teletech. Price has been kept at a quite affordable Rs. 9999, which undercuts the just launched Reliance 3G Tab by a good 3000 rupees. Specification wise, the Magiq puts up a pretty decent picture. The tablet comes with a 1 … [Read more...] about Beetel’s Magiq Android Tablet Gives the Reliance 3G Tab a Run for Its Money
google tablet
Google Tablet to be called Speedbook?
According to a recent Trademark application unearthed by Bnet, filed sometime last week, with the priority date of February 19, 2010, Google has filed a trademark application on the term SPEEDBOOK. It is unknown what this product name will be used for, but it was on the category of “computer hardware.” We have been reporting recently that Search Giant Google is developing a … [Read more...] about Google Tablet to be called Speedbook?
Google and Verizon team up for a Slate PC
We reported last month that Google was working on a Slate/Tablet PC, to be released later this year. The big news today according to a Wall Street Journal article has USA Telecommunications giant Verizon Wireless partnering about with Google, to release a Slate PC. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal yesterday, Verizon chief executive Lowell McAdam confirmed that … [Read more...] about Google and Verizon team up for a Slate PC