Mark Batty, which is well known in the independent writing community for its full color illustrated books, has partnered with iBooks to bring a slew of new content to the bookstore. The publisher will not only be bringing new books to the iBookstore, but will be putting up some of their new content as well. The big draw about these books is that they are fixed with epubs. … [Read more...] about Publisher Mark Batty Introduces Indie eBooks to Apple iBookstore
Apple to promote iBookstore at BookExpo America
BookExpo America is one of the largest publishing expositions in the USA and will start on May 24 2010. The conference has listed Apple to be one of the attendees and has launched a private conference with select members of the publishing industry. Apple will be promoting the iBookstore which is now the 3rd largest online store that sells ebooks in the world, according to … [Read more...] about Apple to promote iBookstore at BookExpo America
Random House adds eBook titles to the Apple UK iBookstore
Random House eBooks are now officially offered via the UK version of the Apple iBookstore, giving Apple iPad owners access to a large selection of popular titles. This is a great move by Random House to give customers accessing the United Kingdom version of the iBookstore access to some of the best authors in the Fiction genre such as James Patterson, John Grisham and … [Read more...] about Random House adds eBook titles to the Apple UK iBookstore
Random House titles now available at iBookstore
While the all new next gen iPad is just sometime away from us, there already is some interesting development on other quarters concerning the Apple iBookStore. The world's largest publisher, Random House can now take comfort from the fact that their e-books can now be seen listed at iBookstore, opening up the publishing house to millions of e-book lovers. What is even more … [Read more...] about Random House titles now available at iBookstore
Apple opens up Self Publishing on its iBookstore
Although Apple with its iBookstore seems to have not locked up a ton of major publishers for international eBook distribution through its iBookstore, which is evident to it only having Classic Titles available. Apple appears to be making things easier for independent authors without a publisher to have their work included in the store. If you are an author and are wondering … [Read more...] about Apple opens up Self Publishing on its iBookstore
The iBookstore is a wasteland for International Users
The Apple iBookstore has gone live for people whom have purchased iPad’s and live outside the USA. If you live in the UK, Canada and other countries you will notice the iBookstore to be a lackluster experience. Currently the iBooks App only offers classics and free books and does not have the extensive book list that USA based users enjoy, such as Best Sellers. This is all … [Read more...] about The iBookstore is a wasteland for International Users
Is the Apple iPad creating a surge in eBook Piracy?
Popular Bit Torrent Site Torrentfreak recently investigated the number of downloaded E-Reader ebook files in conjunction with the subsequent release of the Apple iPad. The numbers were quite staggering Research shown that ebook piracy increased by a whopping 78% after the first few weeks of the iPad release The Rise of eBook piracy is still pathetically small if you look at … [Read more...] about Is the Apple iPad creating a surge in eBook Piracy?