That's the latest tagline Apple is using to promote its bestselling tablet the iPad. Released just last night during primetime, the newest TV commercial is aimed at showing the iPad's versatility, how it can pull off a range of tasks with elan. The ad focused on some of the most popular iPad apps like Epicurious, Flipboard, Fruit Ninja, iBooks, Brushes, Pages, The Elements … [Read more...] about iPad is Delicious
iPad TV commercial
What is iPad? The Latest iPad Commercial
Well, that's what the latest iPad TV commercial has been named as. That’s also the first thing that a gruff voice will be asking you – ‘What is iPad?’ The same voice then goes on to answer, "iPad is thin. iPad is beautiful." Launched during primetime programming, the latest commercial is a follow up of the first iPad commercial that was launched during the Oscars and focused on … [Read more...] about What is iPad? The Latest iPad Commercial