Groupon is Offering a Free 60 Day Free Trial to Kindle Unlimited

Kindle Unlimited is a platform where a copious amount of audiobooks and…

Amazon is Forcing New Users to Signup for Kindle Unlimited

Amazon is pulling some dirty tricks to rope people into signing up…

Amazon Encourages Indie Authors to be Shady

Amazon introduced a radical new change for their Kindle Unlimited and Kindle…

Amazon’s New Bestseller Lists Amazon Charts Aids Discoverability

One of the biggest problems plaguing both readers and publishers–from the major…

Is Kindle Unlimited a Good Idea?

Amazon has developed a lot of programs over the years, some aimed…

New Prime Reading Offer Asks Authors to Give Up Royalties. Here’s Why They Should.

As if Amazon didn’t already have enough critics, the company has unleashed…

Should Authors Go Exclusive with Amazon?

The Author Earnings report has come out once again, and if there’s…

Amazon Kindle Unlimited Launches in Australia

Amazon Kindle Unlimited has just launched in Australia and the program costs…

Amazon Kindle Unlimited is now available in Japan

Amazon Kindle Unlimited has just launched in Japan. The program costs ¥980…

Amazon Kindle Unlimited Now Available in China

Amazon Kindle Unlimited has just launched in China and this service allows…

France forces Amazon to change Kindle Unlimited

France has been very apprehensive about e-book subscription platforms and how disruptive…

Self-Published Authors Have Fewer e-Book Distribution Options

Self-published authors are facing major difficulties in selling their e-books online. Many…

Amazon Kindle Unlimited Now Available in India

The Amazon Kindle Unlimited program has just launched in India today for…