Kobo has updated their iOS and iPad application today to add further social functionality with version 4.5. The new iteration of Kobo's popular reading application allows you to do a multitude of new things. You can now see what books your friends have read and ask them for recommendations. Furthermore you can check out what books you have in common with your friends. … [Read more...] about Kobo updates their iPad app bringing added social functions
kobo ios 4.5
Kobo iOS 4.5 Update Ushers in Recommendations
Kobo has updated their Apple iOS today for the iPad and iPhone which enhances their Reading Life platform. You can now get recommendations from friends and also see what books they have read. It also allows you compare reading statistics and see what awards everyone has. This new update to the Kobo application for all Apple devices is all about your friends. I really like … [Read more...] about Kobo iOS 4.5 Update Ushers in Recommendations