Kobo offers discounts on several of its frontline e-reader devices, and the prices are the same as during Black Friday sales. Deals are available on the Kobo Clara Colour, Kobo Sage, and the Kobo Elipsa 2E. The Kobo Libra Colour is not included in the sale and is selling at its original rate. Interestingly, the Kobo Clara Colour has been discounted for the first time since its … [Read more...] about Several Kobo e-Reader Discounted as Part of Holiday Sale
kobo sale
Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo BW on Sale in the UK
Kobo is running a rare sale for their latest generation e-readers in the United Kingdom. The Kobo BW and Kobo Clara Colour are both available for a £20 discount on the main Kobo website. You can also find the same deals on Amazon, if you don't want to buy directly from Kobo. What are the major selling points behind the Clara BW? Aside from the Carta 1300 screen, it has a … [Read more...] about Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo BW on Sale in the UK