Apple might be onto something different with its upcoming iPad Pro range of tablet devices. For instead of the A-prefixed chipsets that we have seen powering its iOS and later iPadOS range of devices, the upcoming iPad Pro might come powered with something that more closely resembles the company's new M1 processor. That would make for an interesting development as the new M1 … [Read more...] about New iPad Pro might come with M1-like chipset, could run macOS apps
Wundr Launches Playwrite eBook Creation Software for Mac OS X
Many people dream of writing a bestselling e-book or digital textbook.  New software developed by Wundr can make your dreams of publishing an eBook or ePeriodical a reality. Described by the developers as a revolutionary eBook-oriented desktop publishing program, Playwrite can help put your creation into all of the major eBookstores (including Amazon, Kobo, and Apple's … [Read more...] about Wundr Launches Playwrite eBook Creation Software for Mac OS X
The 25-Cent Tour of Today’s Apple Keynote Announcements
I don't care where your brand loyalties sit, there is one fact that cannot be disputed: nobody does anticipation like Apple. Even if you were living under a rock for the past fewweeks, I am sure you are aware that Apple's Developer Conference (WWDC) began this week --kicked off by the now-legendary keynote by the top names at Apple. Speculation over the possible announcements … [Read more...] about The 25-Cent Tour of Today’s Apple Keynote Announcements