Japan based company Onkyo has joined the Android party with a tablet running the Android Froyo. However, the biggest surprise might be lurking under the hood as the tablet is powered by the NVIDIA Tegra 2 processor having a clock speed of 1 Ghz coupled to either a 512 MB or 1 GB RAM. This combined the Android Froyo should do a world of good to the tablet as far as … [Read more...] about New Andoid tablet from Onkyo
onkyo tablet
Three new Windows 7 Tablets from Onkyo
We do not often see more then one Tablet PC issued from a company, but Japanese company Onkyo is soon unveiling three little dandy's that all run Windows 7! Although these tablets do not have slick marketing names such as the "Tablet of Doom" or "The Superman Tablet" they instead are known as the Onkyo TW117A4, TW217A5 and TW317A5. I know. Endearing, right? The TW117A4 … [Read more...] about Three new Windows 7 Tablets from Onkyo