Reliance Communications is the latest to jump onto the tablet bandwagon in India. In doing so, the telecom operator has also become the first to offer a carrier backed tablet in India, something that surely will have a lot of precedence later on. Coming to the tablet itself, the Reliance 3G Tab will have a 7 inch capacitive display and will run Android 2.3 Gingerbread. The … [Read more...] about RCom Launches Android 3G Tablet in India for 13K
Reliance Mobile
More Galaxy Tab news from US and around the world
US Cellular come out with pricing and availability details of Galaxy Tab Come November 19 and the Galaxy Tab will start to appear at US Cellular stores as well as its website - making it the first carrier outside the big four national carriers in the US to offer the Samsung tablet. Price has been fixed at $399 after factoring in a $100 mail-in rebate and … [Read more...] about More Galaxy Tab news from US and around the world