A French watchdog is warning publishers that eBook subscription service Scribd offers hundreds of titles that don't have an agreement with a publisher or author. Scribd is billing itself as a Netflix for eBooks and offers customers the ability to pay a low monthly fee and read as many digital titles as they want. This can be accomplished via their official e-reading apps … [Read more...] about French Watchdog Accuses Scribd of eBook Piracy
Scribd Celebrates an Amazing 2014
Scribd has already posted their year in review infographic that gives as a sense of their most popular reading categories. Over the course 2014 they have had 1 billion pages read, 160 billion words read and readers have spent 17.6 million hours of reading eBooks. … [Read more...] about Scribd Celebrates an Amazing 2014
Amazon Enters eBook Subscription Market with Kindle Unlimited
It's rare that Amazon isn't leading the charge in some aspect of the book industry, but news came out today that Amazon is experimenting with ebook subscription models. In the often-compared Netflix climate, this would allow consumers to read unlimited content for one flat monthly fee. GigaOm grabbed a link to the page for the new feature on Amazon.com, as reported by … [Read more...] about Amazon Enters eBook Subscription Market with Kindle Unlimited
Scribd Launches Windows Phone 8 Reading App – Revises iOS and Android
Scribd has been in development overdrive the last few months, revising the core reading experience in their seminal iOS and Android apps. They have also been quietly refining their first offering for Windows Phone 8. All mobile applications now have a unified experience which will immerse users who have multiple phones and tablets in the household. With the launch of the … [Read more...] about Scribd Launches Windows Phone 8 Reading App – Revises iOS and Android
The eBook Subscription Model is Here to Stay
At an IDPF and BISG panel today as part of its Making Information Pay event, speakers addressed one of the key changes the publishing industry is undergoing: ebook subscriptions. When 24Symbols launched in 2010 as a Netflix-style model for ebook consumption, publishers weren't quick to jump on board, at least not in the US. One reason may have been that the company was simply … [Read more...] about The eBook Subscription Model is Here to Stay
Amazon’s One-Sitting Short Reads Meets Need for Fast Fiction
A number of platforms have offered great content in a short essay, long-form journalism environment, but it has typically been informative, expository non-fiction pieces. But news came out this week about a quiet launch from Amazon that will offer short works of fiction to be consumed in one-sitting, as the site is referring to it. Amazon's Short Reads, which features short … [Read more...] about Amazon’s One-Sitting Short Reads Meets Need for Fast Fiction
Simon & Schuster Signs eBook Backlist Deals with Scribd, Oyster
All-you-can-eat unlimited ebook subscription reading has finally come into its own with the launch of a couple of different platforms, namely Oyster and Scribd. Billed as a Netflix-style approach to reading, these platforms charge users one flat-rate monthly fee for unlimited access to their full catalogs of ebook titles. When subscription-based ebook reading was first … [Read more...] about Simon & Schuster Signs eBook Backlist Deals with Scribd, Oyster
Smashwords, OverDrive Brings Indie Titles to Libraries
An agreement announced today between ebook distributor and self-publishing platform Smashwords and OverDrive, the largest provider of digital content to public and school libraries, is going to give self-published authors one of the few remaining pieces in the publishing puzzle, namely the ability for libraries to stock their work. As it stands right now, self-published … [Read more...] about Smashwords, OverDrive Brings Indie Titles to Libraries
Scribd Incorporates Notes and Highlights Features
When the so-called "all you can eat" ebook subscription platforms first began to take shape, there were a lot of hurdles to be overcome. The first, and probably most important, was that there wasn't a lot of content; publishers weren't exactly eager to post their bestselling titles without seeing concrete proof of how the compensation would pay out, and letting members pay a … [Read more...] about Scribd Incorporates Notes and Highlights Features
Scribd Subscription Reading Adds Titles from Wiley
When ebook subscription-based reading was a new concept over four years ago, the idea seemed to intrigue readers while failing to entice publishers. With major concerns over piracy and compensation, a number of different companies developed models that were intended to address those issues while still keeping all-you-can-eat book consumption inexpensive enough for customers to … [Read more...] about Scribd Subscription Reading Adds Titles from Wiley