Kobo Signs New Deal with Sesame Workshop

Kobo has just inked a new deal with  Sesame Workshop to make…

Sesame Street eBooks Now Available on Google Play

Sesame Street has launched 25 new ebooks today on Google Play. The…

Sourcebooks Brings Sesame Street to a More Personal Level

At last month’s FutureBook Conference, Soucebooks‘ CEO and publisher Dominque Raccah sat…

Ape Entertainment Brings Sesame Street to Digital Comics

The creative team behind the digital comic Pocket God, based on the…

Sesame Street eBooks arrive on the Barnes and Noble Nook

Barnes and Noble are now offering seven Sesame Street eBook titles on…

Sesame Street eBookstore now offers monthy subscriptions

Sesame Street, a long spanning television series based on great characters with an…