The iReader Smart Air digital note-taking device launched earlier came only in a shade of black. The company has now announced the launch of the same in a shade of Italian White and it does look cool. Everything else remains the same, which includes the design, features, and specs. The model is currently on pre-order via JD for 1899 yuan. Among the key specs of the iReader … [Read more...] about iReader Smart Air launched in Italian White shade
Smart Air
iReader Smart Air – the perfect note taking device? A Review
The iReader Smart Air can be mistaken as just one among the scores of others of its ilk currently dotting the tech landscape. It has got the same disproportionate design where the left bezel is thicker compared to the other three. It comes bundled with a stylus and packs in all the hardware bits to allow for smooth performance that does not break any new grounds but is par for … [Read more...] about iReader Smart Air – the perfect note taking device? A Review