The Aakash tablet has already become a household name in the tech world, which can be attributed to the painstaking efforts on part of the Tuli brothers, Raja Singh Tuli and Suneet Singh Tuli. In recognition of all the hard work they have put in in the venture, Raja Singh and Suneet Singh Tuli have been awarded the Technology Achievement Award by the Indo-Canadian Chamber of … [Read more...] about Technology Achievement Award for DataWind Founders Raja & Suneet Tuli
Suneet Singh Tuli
Reliance developing cheapest 4G tablet
The least priced tablet so far -- Aakash is all set to have a competitor of sorts in the form of a new tablet Reliance has planned to come up with. Interestingly, the tablet is set to be manufactured by the same Canada based company DataWind that right now is contracted to manufacture the Aakash. However, the tablet will be better than the Aakash in that it will be 4G enabled … [Read more...] about Reliance developing cheapest 4G tablet