In Japan, manga is serialized in various magazines. Every new chapter that gets released is printed in one of many different magazines, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly. There are multiple various prints running a multitude of genres. Here in North America, we really only have one - Viz Manga's digital magazine, Weekly Shonen Jump. The magazine is a mirror image to the … [Read more...] about Everything You Need To Know About Shonen Jump
VIZ Media
Viz Brings its Entire Graphic Novel Catalog to Apple iBooks
Viz has just brought its entire graphic novel collection to Apple iBooks and users will now be able to access over 1,600 titles. Over 130 different series will be available and readers will be able to purchase seminal favorites such as; NARUTO, BLEACH, BAKUMAN and ONE PIECE. Each one will run you around $6.00, which is quite respectable, considering most graphic novels by … [Read more...] about Viz Brings its Entire Graphic Novel Catalog to Apple iBooks
Viz Media Adopts Same Day Digital Releases for Manga
Viz Media announced earlier in the week that it will release the digital editions manga comics the same day as the printed version. Every Tuesday you will see new digital content appear on iOS, Android, and the Barnes and Noble Nook Store. One of the benefits of Viz Media's same day strategy is that often you can save more money by going digital. On average, you can save one … [Read more...] about Viz Media Adopts Same Day Digital Releases for Manga
Barnes and Noble Nook Color and Nook Tablet Adds Manga and Anime to Its Catalog
Barnes&Noble, developers of the NOOK line of e-readers and full-color Android powered tablets, announced its partnership with VIZ Media to bring over 100 anime and manga titles to the NOOK digital catalog. “NOOK Tablet and NOOK Color are ideal devices for our customers to enjoy manga in stunning high resolution color that virtually makes the action leap off the page,” … [Read more...] about Barnes and Noble Nook Color and Nook Tablet Adds Manga and Anime to Its Catalog