We were promised a host of Windows 7 powered tablets making it to the big scene. Well that seems to be beginning to bear fruit, for here is one more tablet out to entire us. And of course it's running the now infamous Windows 7 operating system depending on which side of the line you owe your allegiance to. As for the tablet itself, the bModo is big with a 11.6 inch HD … [Read more...] about bModo Windows 7 Tablet
windows 7
ExoPC will have different names in different regions
Perhaps the best thing with the ExoPC Slate is its unique user interface that has been designed to deliver the best of touchscreen experience under a Windows environment. The Windows 7 is one operating system that has always been known to invoke more grumps than smiles among its users in a touchscreen device. This in spite of the fact that the same OS delivers exceptional … [Read more...] about ExoPC will have different names in different regions
CTL 2goPad SL10 Windows 7 tablet now available
The Apple iPad continues to find more than a million homes each month, Android powered tablets continue to pour out almost every other day while tablets running Windows 7 seem to be content making more noise than action. This is what we have become accustomed to, although things are about to change. If you have failed to read the move to the Samsung Galaxy Tab and the … [Read more...] about CTL 2goPad SL10 Windows 7 tablet now available
Windows 7 tablets to be released during holidays
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is still holding on to what he has been saying for quite a while now. That Windows 7 powered tablets will be there in the markets during the end of the year. He reiterated this recently when he once again reminded tablet consumers that the Windows 7 tablet is well on course for a launch during the holiday season. "You'll see new slates with … [Read more...] about Windows 7 tablets to be released during holidays
The elusive HP Slate sighted again
While some of the most expected tablet devices like the Galaxy Pad from Samsung or the PlayBook from Research in Motion have already been launched while many more are on the verge of making their debut, Hewlett Packard, one of the most prominent names in the world of computers, continues to drag its feet when it comes to actually producing a tablet for the mass market. And it's … [Read more...] about The elusive HP Slate sighted again
Lenovo LePad to be launched in December
Lenovo had stunned the tech world with its IdeaPad U1 Hybrid device that combines a traditional netbook form factor as well as a tablet that is completely detachable from the netbook clamshell. It was an interesting device to say the least and consumer interest on it never waned ever since it was first showcased at the CES early this year. However, confirming what can be termed … [Read more...] about Lenovo LePad to be launched in December
ExoPC to start shipping from September 30
We had carried the report when the last time the French Canadian company engaged in the development of the ExoPC had come up with the release date of the highly anticipated tablet. It was the 7th of September that its makers had announced the ExoPC will reach markets in U.S., Canada and France. In fact, its price too was announced as the company had stated they would make … [Read more...] about ExoPC to start shipping from September 30
MSI readies Android tablet, puts on hold Windows 7 version
Here is one more manufacturer who has decided to shun Windows 7 in favor of the Android OS. MSI has revealed ambitious tablet plans and announced they would be offering tablets with both the Android and the Windows 7 as the OS. However, the latest move on part of MSI might disappoint those who were awaiting the Windows 7 laced tablet hoping to catch a near desktop experience in … [Read more...] about MSI readies Android tablet, puts on hold Windows 7 version
Can Windows 7 match up to iPad? Let’s see
There has been a lot of talk about how inefficient the Windows 7 OS is on a tablet and why it can never match up to the iPad from Apple. That it never was made for touchscreen based devices like tablet PCs, with some even comparing the OS from Microsoft on a tablet as an elephant trying to ride a moped, stressing on the fact that it can never match up to the requirements of a … [Read more...] about Can Windows 7 match up to iPad? Let’s see
The MasterPad tablet running Window 7
It is as if Steve Ballmer has taken it upon himself to don the mantle of the iPad slayer and he is soldering on with the Windows 7 OS even though critics would not waste a chance to mince words describing how inefficient the operating system is in a tablet environment. Actual prototypes were too few and far between to prove them wrong though this seems to have been taken care … [Read more...] about The MasterPad tablet running Window 7