Yes, it is true, Kobo, Remarkable, Boox, or similar devices can be set up with software and an external keyboard to allow distraction-free writing. However, this setup poses a problem with portability as you will always need both peripherals to recreate it. Who wants to carry a keyboard around with them? The all-in-one, E-ink display FreeWrite writing devices offer a more … [Read more...] about Distraction Free Writing with a modern touch with FreeWrite
word processing
Google Delivers Slides App for iOS
Rounding out their business-oriented app offering, Google has launched Slide for iOS (complimenting Google Docs and Google Sheets, which were already available). Slides provides similar functionality to competing apps: Microsoft's PowerPoint or Apple's Keynote, allowing users to create, edit, and collaborate with users on presentations. Google has also released update for … [Read more...] about Google Delivers Slides App for iOS