Let me tell you about two cool gadgets and deals I’ve found while hunting down gifts for my book-loving friends. Of course, I waited until the last minute and am now scrambling to find something. We all have that one person who’s impossible to shop for. When all else fails, I look for the latest tech because they make for a great discussion during dinnertime. Readers love to talk as much as they love to read!

Reading glasses from the future: Sol Wearables

Sol Reader just dropped the price on these limited-edition wearable glasses, and they’re basically what Tony Stark probably wears to bed. These aren’t your grandma’s reading glasses; they’re packing two e-Ink screens (yes, two!) and features that make me feel like we’re living in 2030. A lot can happen in six years with artificial intelligence! The glasses provide a truly immersive experience that feels more like virtual reality than a digital e-reader. Read without distractions, adjust and focus on the text however you want, and even use the glasses in low light are just some features. A neat little remote control allows you to turn pages. This is convenient when you’re lying in bed.

Sol is running a holiday deal right now. Type in HOLIDAY100 at checkout, and you will receive $100 off the regular price of $399. If you’re still skeptical about the technology (I get it), check out our Sol reviews right here on GoodEReader.com. These portable readers are perfect for that tech-obsessed friend who already has every gadget under the sun… except perhaps this one. Check, gift for Jimmy.

A Magic Wand for World Travelers: Digital Scan Reader and Translator Pens

Want to communicate like the Star Trek crew using a universal translator? That’s exactly what this handheld gadget does—sort of. Think of it as Google Translate for printed materials, but way cooler.

Starting at just $50 and going up to $200 for premium models like the NEWYES, these pens can translate an impressive 142 languages, more than most human translators, but some of them require additional support through BlueTooth.

However, it is not just a translator; it also functions as a book reader, converting hard-copy text into digital form and reading it aloud, sending it to another device or displaying it on a small display. This feature is helpful for people with dyslexia and can also assist the visionally impaired (with a little practice). Small and portable, it’s like having a personal language tutor in your pocket. The built-in Collins English Dictionary allows both kids and adults to gain a deeper understanding of their reading material. When they encounter unfamiliar words or phrases, they can easily look them up.

With its built-in camera, you can take a snapshot of a text and transform it into something you can understand. This is perfect for deciphering foreign menus—imagine almost ordering squid instead of sushi! The pen will read sentences aloud, helping to promote proper pronunciation. Whether you find yourself lost in Tokyo, ordering tapas in Barcelona, or simply trying to read a book in a foreign library, this device packs a wealth of functionality into a handheld reader.

It’s a passport to reading and comprehending text anywhere in the world. Now that’s something worth sharing!

The NEWYES 16GB Pro 3 is currently on sale for $95, which is 26% off its original price, leaving plenty of room in your budget for additional language capabilities. I have the perfect person in mind for this gift. Jennifer, check.

Now that my gift list is complete, I must admit that I always shop for the best deals on Boxing Day. I’m leaving a little extra room in my budget so I can treat myself to a reading candle. There’s nothing like reading in a room filled with aromatherapy to create a truly immersive experience. Come to think of it, I really want the translator pen too!

Author at Good e-Reader | madeline@goodereader.com | Website

Writing has always been her passion and a voice for those who cannot speak. She considers herself fortunate to write every day and says her mantra is, "I drink coffee, write, and I know about people and technology." Her writing is diverse and can be found online on websites like LifeHack, You Have a Calling, Medium, TechCrunch and, She Knows.