They say a little knowledge can go a long way and by that reasoning a lot of knowledge can only be of a benefit. When it comes to your financial aspirations,  it’s of vital importance to be as clued up as possible. The world of forex trading doesn’t just open you up to numerous markets with the possibility of financial gains, it also open you up to new knowledge. In addition to this, Forex trading, if you’re going to be successful, demands that you constantly learn; learn about the latest global economics, world events and political news – three of the most significant contributors to the movements and fluctuations of the markets. Many online broker firms also provide up to date Forex guides online. However, there’s a lot to be said for the printed word, or digital word if you will, and with that in mind, let us now take a look at some essential must-read ebooks for forex trading in 2021.

Day Trading & Swing Trading the Currency Market by Kathy Lien

Kathy Lien’s resume is very impressive: regular guest on CNBC, Reuters and Bloomberg, BK Asset Management’s managing director and a world-renowned currency analyst.  Kathy bestows her readers with even more trading knowledge in the third edition of her successful ebook. Combined with theory and practical applications, Kathy provides readers with helpful rudimentary and technical forex trading skills that can generate on-going returns.  Factors affecting currency pairs, forex fundamentals, technical analysis and a host of other helpful trading insights are all covered.

Currency Trading for Dummies by Brian Dolan

The For Dummies range of books has certainly made a name for itself as the regular go-to brand for beginners. Currency Trading for Dummies doesn’t disappoint and delivers the type of trading knowledge suitable for novices and seasoned players alike. Clear and concise, Brian Dolan, a former chief currency strategist, along with Kathleen Brooks, director of research at, deliver a manual of intricate insights that’s been in publication since 2011.

How to Make a Living Trading Foreign Exchange by Courtney Smith

Courtney Smith introduces would-be traders to the intricacies of the market and how it works. The majority of this 2010 publication is dedicated to the art of making money and this is achieved by way of a six-part planned strategy. The author also offers up noted risk management techniques as well as effective information on the psychology of trading.  Included in all the helpful literature is the author’s “rejection rule,” which entails a strategy designed to exploit the basic channel breakout system – the desired outcome being to double your profit.

Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques by Steve Nison

The success of this book led to two sequels: Beyond Candlesticks: New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed, and Strategies for Profiting with Japanese Candlestick Charts. Nison’s  Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques is lauded for introducing a versatile tool into the trader’s arsenal – the technical-analysis tool – which now enjoys widespread use. In this book the author explores and extrapolates on candlestick charting and its applications within the trading world, including its usage for hedging, equities, speculation and futures.

Forex Trading: The Basics Explained in Simple Terms by Jim Brown

Authored by a self-taught forex trader,  this beginner’s guide is credited for its concise writing and its uncondescending tone.  Brown covers a slew of topics which includes but is not limited to trading psychology,  strategies for entrances and exits,  the ins and outs of forex pairs and tips for selecting a broker.

Markus lives in San Francisco, California and is the video game and audio expert on Good e-Reader! He has a huge interest in new e-readers and tablets, and gaming.