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Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite is one of the most widely used tool sets for the creation of tablet-based reading content. In use by publishers of digital magazines and newspapers, among other business-oriented purposes, DPS makes content production more streamlined. But today’s announcement of its recent Release 27 incorporates a number of new value-added features to reach readers where they are.

“Today, we’re pleased to announce the latest release of Digital Publishing Suite – Release 27 – is now available,” stated a detailed post on the new features on Adobe’s blog. “With support for Pinterest, device GPS integration and Free Article Preview with Metering, the latest features in Digital Publishing Suite are designed to help you drive awareness of, interest in, and revenue from your publications. In addition, we have refined Folio Producer Service so that you can streamline and accelerate production.”

While the ability to let readers pin content to their Pinterest boards or find region-specific content based on their locations might be enticing to niche markets of very specific content publishers, the metered paywall system, which is an update from Release 26, allows publishers to provide not just specific articles for free before charging or offering the opportunity to subscribe, but rather offer a detailed amount of any of their content before the paywall kicks in. This feature allows readers of a wide variety of interests to read before deciding on a subscription or payment opportunity instead of dictating which articles will contain the paywall feature.

Also found in Release 27 are key changes to the Folio Producer Service, which helps with content creation that a team of people will all collaborate on. Rather than copying and placing each article, group members can now one-click the entire folio in place using the Copy Folio feature. This Copy Folio feature can also be automated for streamlined workflow.

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.