In a groundbreaking move that has sent ripples throughout the publishing industry, acclaimed fantasy author Brandon Sanderson has successfully negotiated higher audio royalties for all audiobooks on Audible. As DigitalMusicNews reported, this marks a significant win for authors’ rights while introducing some much-needed transparency in digital publishing. For authors on the Audible platform, the lack of transparency surrounding royalty calculations and sales metrics has long been a source of frustration and uncertainty.
Sanderson’s journey began with a quest for clarity in the murky waters of audiobook royalties, a topic he has been vocal about on his official blog. Feeling that authors were being shortchanged by the existing system, Sanderson took matters into his own hands. Instead of merely negotiating a better deal for himself, he opted to leverage his influence to advocate for change on a broader scale. His strategy has been simple, that of withholding his latest writing projects from Audible while paying heed to alternative platforms.
“I didn’t refuse to put my books on Audible out of retribution or to declare war,” Sanderson emphasized. “I did it because I wanted to shine as powerful a light as I knew how on a system that favored the audio distributors over the authors.”
The result is a triumph for authors everywhere. Audible has responded to Sanderson’s advocacy by implementing a new royalty structure that addresses many of the concerns raised. Under the revised system, authors will enjoy improved minimum royalty rates and greater transparency in royalty calculations.
Key changes include monthly royalty payments that would replace the previous quarterly schedule. Another change introduced is that authors would be provided with detailed breakdowns showing how royalties are divided between books purchased with credits and those accessed through the Audible Plus program. This move towards transparency empowers authors to better understand and track their earnings, ensuring fair compensation for their creative efforts.
While Sanderson acknowledges that there is still work to be done, he remains encouraged by the progress made. The new royalty structure represents a significant step towards a more equitable relationship between authors and audiobook distributors, setting a precedent for industry-wide change. With transparency and collaboration, the future of digital publishing looks brighter than ever before.
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