uk society of authors

Image credit: marqueantony

As per the reports of Publishing Perspectives, the UK Society of Authors has shown deep concern over the deal between Spotify and book publishers. They mentioned the statement to Publishing Perspectives about how no authors/agents were ”approached for permission for such licenses, and authors have not been consulted on license or payment terms.”

They further mentioned in the statement how publishing contracts differ, but the license provided to publishers for audio licensing doesn’t include streaming. ”In fact, it is likely that streaming was not a use that had been invented when many such contracts were entered into.”

The SoA also mentioned the effect of music streaming on artists’ incomes.

”We know the devastating effect that music streaming has had on artists’ incomes and the impact of streaming and subscription video on demand platforms on screenwriter incomes and their working conditions. We have long been concerned about streaming models for books.”

They also talked about the fact that audiobook streaming is more “damaging” than music streaming as the latter can be streamed many times, but books are often read once.

When asked about the fact that Spotify is providing different income arrangements for digital content subscription deals, the SoA said that they haven’t contacted ”about such offers, let alone reassured”.

They also added in the statement that ”The fact that all major publishers have entered such arrangements at the same time seems to raise questions that perhaps should be reported to the competition authorities,”.

The SoA also mentioned a comment posted on The Bookseller’sBookseller’s report from Robert Gottlieb (Trident Media Group chairman):

“Subscription services are a good deal for publishers and a bad deal for authors…Subscription services build into the market expectations of low prices, which have negative reverberation for authors going forward with consumers. It has a negative impact on backlist titles as well. The financial model for authors at the end of the day means small returns.”

“While many authors struggle to make a fair living, these models make matters worse for authors both in book sales and financially. Given these facts, publishers must let authors opt out of Subscription services if they wish to. What is also a great concern is publishers in mass agreeing to terms for this business model. This type of behavior is what triggered investigations by the Department of Justice in the US.”

The Society then asked the publishers to instantly contact the authors/agents and brief them about the deals. They further urged them to seek permission and undertake other measures to protect authors.

Author at Good e-Reader |

Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.