Smashwords Announces Author Promo for Read an eBook Week

Pioneering self-publishing and ebook distribution site Smashwords made an announcement for all…

Barnes and Noble Hopes to Make Nook Profitable

Barnes and Noble is seeking to retool the Nook division and to…

Sourcebooks Adds Beloved Peanuts Titles to Put Me in the Story

Sourcebooks’ launch of its fully personalized and customizable enhanced ebook platform Put…

Author Russell Blake on the Publishing Climate

It’s been quite a month for the publishing industry. We could actually…

New AuthorEarnings Report Highlights B&N Sales

Massive change is being sparked in the publishing industry, thanks to the…

More News on Authors Behaving Badly, Using Well-Known Authors’ Names as Pseudonyms

In an interesting chain of events, ebook retailers’ crackdown on erotica titles…

Barnes and Noble has Lost Over 1 Billion Dollars on Nook

Barnes and Noble is a company in transition, when it comes to…

Is Barnes and Noble for Sale?

Barnes and Noble has received a viable offer to buy their entire…

James Patterson Provides $1M to Save Indie Bookstores

Talk of the effects of digital publishing on indie bookstores has been…

Death and Destruction: Overused Terms to Describe Publishing

Can we all agree that we will stop using terms like “killing”…

4% of Readers Read eBooks Exclusively

eBook reading is on the rise, primarily due to the sheer amount…

Transparency: Author HM Ward Discusses eBook Sales and Pricing

A number of authors, including JA Konrath and Hugh Howey, made international…

Does the Publishing Industry Discriminate?

A quick search of the Amazon Kindle store reveals over two million…

US Bookstores Decline by 1.5% in 2013

The bookselling industry in the United States declined by 1.5% in 2013…