Viz’s digital magazine Shonen Jump carries a variety of popular manga series—Naruto, Bleach, One Piece—as well as some lesser-known titles such as Nisekoi and One Punch Man, in weekly (or sometimes monthly) episodes the same week they come out in Japan. Since the collected print volumes lag behind the digital serials, that can make jumping in a bit of a challenge.
Until now: Viz has just announced that it will make the last three month’s worth of back issues of Shonen Jump available at the regular price of 99 cents per issue. The back issues can only be purchased on their website, but once you buy them, you can read them on any device that supports Shonen Jump.
Also, as they announced earlier this summer, Viz is making Shonen Jump available in the UK, Ireland, Austraila, New Zealand and South Africa. They posted an article today with pricing and other information, including where you can get it: For now, readers outside North America can purchase it via the iTunes Newsstand app or the Viz iOS or Android apps—not through the website, which means they won’t be able to get to those back issues just yet. But maybe soon…