Traditionally, authors would pass through judgements in the publishing world for getting their books published and distributed. In old times, it was a challenge for authors to market or produce their books without the help of a book publisher.
But things have changed now in modern times. The growth of the internet and marketing digitalization, authors can now overcome many challenges of publishing. With the explosion of e-books, people can now read and write online. This has changed the way we view literature.
The easy accessibility and affordability of e-books have increased the total number of readers worldwide. On top of that, the ease of accessibility and affordability are also beneficial for authors as well. Thanks to self-publishing!
Impact of Self-Publishing
The self-publishing landscape has grown significantly in recent years. There were 2.3 million self-published books in 2021, around 2-3 times the estimated 500,000 to 1 million new books published through traditional publishers.
Authors who self-publish their work don’t have pay for the privilege, and the self-publishing platforms should not be making money by charging fees to authors. Instead, these platforms take a commission on sales to cover the costs.
But there is a challenge. Due to lack of no marketing campaign to get author’s work into libraries and bookstores, self-published books struggle with reaching an audience as large as with traditional book publishing.
So, although self-publishing is a great resource for authors, it’s overall impact on is unfavorable on the oversaturated book industry.
The Emergence of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
There is a range of software programs developed for writing and publishing content, including for books. While AI and associated technologies bring perks for many, it has its own set of challenges.
Now, everyone can become an author and sell books on platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing. In fact, fake AI-written books are flooding the publishing world and causing mistrust. Also, the technology is threat to genuine authors and e-readers like Kindle Unlimited.
It’s hard to say how the future of book publishing looks like. But at present, the publishing industry has turned upside down.
Navkiran Dhaliwal is a seasoned content writer with 10+ years of experience. When she's not writing, she can be found cooking up a storm or spending time with her dog, Rain.