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Even as the respect, the recognition, and the royalties are in place for self-published authors to enjoy a rewarding career, there are still barriers in place that prevent them from enjoying all of the opportunities that are open to traditionally published authors. Newspapers–from major name nationally available titles to hometown rags–often still refuse to review a self-published book, regardless of the fame or publishing history of its author. Some local public libraries throughout the country have rules barring self-published authors from having speaking or signing engagements inside for fear of having to open that opportunity to everyone with an ebook. Even more detrimental, the ridiculous amount of hoop-jumping indie authors face to get their books into physical bookstores–whether major chain retailers or independent stores–makes it often not worth the effort.

But IndieReader and Edelweiss are working together to change that. With the launch this week of IndieReader In-Store (IRIS), authors have a greater than ever ability to put their works in front of browsing customers.

“One of the biggest challenges indie authors face is getting their books into brick & mortar stores,” explains Amy Edelman, founder of IndieReader. “It took Edelweiss—and the growing interest among book buyers to carry self published titles in their stores (see recent articles in the Christian Science Monitor and Publisher’s Weekly that note increasing interest from indie bookstores in self-pubbed titles)—to help solve the problem.”

As independent bookstores look for ways to adapt to a changing publishing and bookselling climate, a number of stores have begun to offer better opportunities for authors and readers to connect through indie titles. The agreement with Edelweiss will help ensure that these titles are available to bookstores for stocking, as well as make digital review copies available for book bloggers and reviewers, along with other outreach opportunities at the author’s discretion.

For more information on IndieReader In-Store, click HERE.

is a Senior Editor for Good e-Reader. She is also the CEO and founder of a hybrid publishing and consulting company.